Life is busy. Morning is always an important part of our life. Lot of things we do decide in the morning before leaving for our respective fields. Once your morning is managed well, it sets up the tone for the rest of the day. Things to do before 8 AM to boost your mood
- Workout and Mediate
- Waking up in the morning, you can’t be sitting on a pillow idle and chanting for an hour. Rather take advantage of this time, stretching out some of your body parts or working-out in the Gym or in your house or nearby field to get rid of stiffness or laziness of your body. You can also get same level of relaxation by getting few minutes of quiet and mindful breathing. Focusing on inhaling and exhaling for four counts, settling your mind or your body tends to release the stress hormones to have a refreshing day ahead. It resets your mind and creates space for creativity and open thought.
2. Take some food and Hydrate
- It’s always very stabilizing and refreshing to tune of your mind for success by eating and hydrating in the first hour of rising. That sets tone for entire day. A nourished and hydrated body is less vulnerable to stress and tensions and easier to focus on the jobs at hand. Drink at least three glasses of water and take food rich in proteins and fats to keep your cells running strong all day.
3. Set your goals, Stay positive and Speak your Intentions
- Starting your day with positive notes and vibes, setting your goals straightway are the first step in getting your job done successfully and opening up the path for the realization of more goals. Setting one intention from the outset, such as,” I will remain focused” or “I am confident” and try to incorporate those things in your goals. Just jot down few lines of gratitude. The more attention you give to those things, the more you find gratitude, openness, and satisfaction with the little things inherently.
4. Strategize
- Once you clear on your objectives what you want to accomplish in a day, we automatically craft a plan to realize it, more likely to get it right. Use your morning hours to map out your day, so that, you day stays on track and well-prioritized. Visualize and write those out starting from highest-priority to the lowest, including must-do and need-do.
5. Tackle the tough task first
- There are number of tasks sitting on your table, waiting for your attention, don’t know which to be attended first or which to be later. Larger and challenging ones are looming over you all day. Emails are one of the biggest offenders. You tend to procrastinate a bit. The best way to get rid of such problems is to take one after another, largest task to be the first, and then proceed to the jobs which are challenging and urgent but not big enough and later on smaller tasks. It improves your mental band width and tune up your mood.
6. Set a Ritual
- Are you bored with a stereotyped and predictable lifestyle? Looking forward to have something new? Set it right now! Going for a walk with your beloved pooch, a cup of tea or a newspaper, or a few minutes of stretching- is very calming.
7. Wake up one hour early
- One of the biggest irritations to have a productive morning is snooze button or alarm clock. Plan well what’s the best time for you to rise, try to stick to that. If you can, rise at least one hour earlier than the daily rising. How will you do that? Go to bed early. Quality and quantity of your sleep plays a key role in the next day’s efficiency
8. Apply your Secrets well
- Before leaving for jobs, always think positive about the tasks at your hand. A minute of positive visualization can improve your mood, reduce your workload and will have a broader looks towards your successes and failures.
9. Dress Well
- Try to dress yourself well which has always a deep impact on yourself and to the outside world and the people you encounter. Rather than wandering here and there what to wear and what not, spend some time in the morning in selecting the right kind of attire which will go a long way in putting you in spotlight.